Grants for Young Researchers
Jobs and Studentships
Soil Conservation Projects
Scientific and Cultural Days of Imola – 17th year, Italy
Global Soil Conference 2024, New Delhi, India
GM5.5 Geodiversity and geoheritage, Vienna, Austria
5th International Conference SCSI, India
5th WASWAC World Conference, Olomouc, Czech Republic – added link
Centennial of the IUSS, Florence, Italy
Advances in GeoEcology 44
M. Fullen, J. Famodimu, T. Karyotis, Ch. Noulas, A. Panagopulos, J. L. Rubio, D. Gabriels
ISBN: 978-3-923381-62-3
Year: 2015
Flyer (1.1 MB)
€ 149,–
Proceedings of the International ESSC Conference in Bratislava
Eds.: P. Jambor & J.L. Rubio
ISBN: 80-85361-60-4
Year: 1999
Printed in: Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA (€ 20,–)
Advances in GeoEcology 39
Eds.: C. Dazzi & E. Costantini
ISBN: 978-3-923381-56-2, US ISBN: 1-59326-249-3
Pages: 728; Year: 2008
Published by: CATENA VERLAG GmBh, Reiskirchen, Germany
Order: Margot Rohdenburg M.A. CATENA VERLAG GmbH, GERMANY
Tel./Fax: (+49)6408 64978; e-mail: catenaverl@aol.com; (€139,–)
Volume I and II.
Eds.: J.L. Rubio & R.P.C. Morgan & S. Asins & V. Andreu
ISBN: 84-87779-45-X
Year: 2002
Published in: Logrono, SPAIN (€ 60,–)
7th International Meeting on Soils with Mediterranean Type of Climate. (Select Papers)
Eds.: P.Zdruli & P. Steduto & S. Kapur
Year: 2001
Published by: Editions TEC & DOC - 14, rue de Provigny,94236 Cachan Cedex, FRANCE (€ 45,–)
Proceedings of the International Symposium
Eds.: K. Helming
ISSN: 0943-7266
Year: 2001
Published by: ZALF – Bericht Nr. 47, Müncheberg, GERMANY (€ 19,40)
Selected papers of the Conference "Problems and Management of Soil Salinization and Alkalinization in Europe"
Eds.: N. Misopolinos & I. Szabolcs
Year: 1996
Printed in: Thessaloniki, GREECE (€ 30,–)
Flyer (440 kB)
Special pre-publication price is only ₤10, including postage within the UK.
Thought for the month
“Planet Earth has no tourists”
(Richard Templar, 2006).
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