Grants for Young Researchers



Jobs and Studentships


Soil Conservation Projects



Scientific and Cultural Days of Imola – 17th year, Italy

Global Soil Conference 2024, New Delhi, India

GM5.5 Geodiversity and geoheritage, Vienna, Austria

5th International Conference SCSI, India

Biohydrology 7 meeting, Spain

Soil and Water Health, Italy

5th WASWAC World Conference, Olomouc, Czech Republic – added link

Centennial of the IUSS, Florence, Italy


The ESSC wishes rapidly to disseminate information to its members.

Please, forward information to this site to be placed on our ESSC Bulletin Board. These could include searches for potential collaborators for research proposals, calls for research proposals, job opportunities, opportunities for research studentships and other items of important information for rapid dissemination. Of course, we will continue the regular circulation of information via our Newsletter.


Dear ESSC website visitors,

let us inform you the report on soil sealing in the EU has been made public by the Environment Directorate-General of the Environment Commision at


It is accompanied by a press release available in all EU languages at



It will be presented in Green Week on 25th May at 9:30-11:00 followed by the documentary film "Il suolo minacciato / Land Under Threat" (in Italian with English subtitles) at 13:15-14:15. Note that Green Week sessions will be webstreamed live at


Thought for the month

“Planet Earth has no tourists”

(Richard Templar, 2006).

ESSC supports EQA

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for Soil Conservation (ESSC) and can only be used with the consent of the owner of this website or members of the ESSC.